Cultura Ferments Inc.

Taya Mara | Facebook | Instagram
We have a new name!
We have been culturing Algoma since 2014 as Cultured Club Ferments. With a recent big move into a new space downtown Leeburn, Ontario, we wanted a fresh new start.
Cultura still brings you the same great ferments you’ve come to love, just the packaging has changed ✨
We specialize in Fermented Food, including different kinds of Sauerkraut and Brine Ferments. Our products are never compromised, meaning they are still a live product full of lovely bubbling beneficial bacteria. Our fridge is always stocked with a full roster of good-for-your-guts food ✨
Cultura prides themselves on helping you bring quality, local produce home to your table. We acquire and process as much locally grown ingredients as possible and transform them into healthy jars of fermented goodness. We love to hand you a jar of Lovingly Cultured Feel Good Food ✨